Step 1: Making the dough. Combine flour, salt, cooking oil, cream of tartare in a large bowl. Add in the cup of boiling water and slowly mix it. It is really important to make sure the water is boiling. I tried with just hot water and the play dough had a completely different consistency. Once it cools a bit, have an adult clump the mixture together until it is cool enough for kids to handle. Knead until desired consistency is reached. Feel free to add some sand to give it a cool texture when it's finished.
Have each kid grab a handful of dough and flatten it out. We used small cups to get the round shape, but any shape will do. Next have your kids choose an animal toy to walk across the mixture. Once you're finished with the foot prints, set outside to dry and harden. A good thing about this play dough recipe is how long it takes to dry up, great if you have kids who forget to put the lid back on. However, it'll take longer than 24 to completely dry. Voila you have a homemade fossil!
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